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导读 中国老太太granny80文章列表:1、最新美食折扣盘点!墨西哥菜、越南菜、日本菜、甜品自助吃不够2、黄金行业还能重返黄金时代吗?系列报道中篇:一朝被蛇咬十年怕井绳3、中考备战—














Ramen Keisuke Lobster King




地址:Clarke Quay, Blk C, #01-07

Cuba Libre Cafe & Bar


活动:预定的时候注明“3 1”,意思是点3到主菜,第4道免单

折扣价:鸡肉汉堡,素食汉堡或者三明治16新币起,如果是“3 1”的话一个套餐12新币起

地址:Clarke Quay, Blk B, #01-13


这家主要做的是墨西哥菜,比较经典的就是他们的传统墨西哥餐,比如nachos, burritos, tacos这些。



地址:Clarke Quay, Blk D, #01-04

Little Saigon




地址:Clarke Quay, Blk E, #01 - 02

Privé Clarke Quay




地址:Clarke Quay, Blk C, #01-09A

Thai-Khun Bar & Street Foods




地址:Clarke Quay, Blk D, #01-14



Tai Cheong





地址:Tai Cheong's Holland Village outlet



Golden Village

最近听说比较多的都是酒店工作度假,没想到Suntec City 的 Golden Village也耐不住寂寞推出同款活动“Z.E.S.T”~












地址:Suntec City Golden Village



Ah Mah


16日起阿嫲手工作坊推出芝士口味的大蛋糕(Granny's Chao Ta Cheesecakes)。没错,就是传统的那种蓬松蓬松的长方形“砖”。




活动:Granny's Chao Ta Cheesecakes





Goodwood Park




而且每一种甜品看起来都相当有质感,就是传说中的那种高级感。以下是他们的招牌甜点: ‘Mao Shan Wang’ Mousse Cake, Crepe, Swiss Roll and Mini Éclair。










这次他们的活动商品折扣最高可达40%!包括Ben & Jerry’s 冰淇淋、雀巢咖啡、立顿茶、咸蛋鱼皮以及火鸡面等等。







手里有PAssion 卡的人得用起来啦~

现在只要你拿着PAssion 卡到Swensen全岛12个门店,就可以享受一个冰淇淋球只要1.5新币!(截止日期为11月12日)







这一家位于Jurong Point,是一家日本主题餐厅哦。而且店内的菜品也算是比较丰富的,拉面寿司猪扒饭一个不少!


不过要注意&JOY 全岛有两家门店,个别菜品由特定门店提供~




Jurong Point:1 Jurong West Central 2, Singapore 648886, Jurong Point, #B1-47

营业时间: 11:00am – 9:30pm

Great World City:1 Kim Seng Promenade Singapore 237994, Great World City, #B1-133
营业时间: 11:00am – 9:30pm



Gong Cha




















储量下降绝不是黄金矿业公司在威特沃特斯兰德盆地一家存在的问题。全球主要的黄金基地,如美国的卡林山谷(Carlin Trend)和澳大利亚南部卡尔古利的超级坑矿坑(Super Pit)等许多地方,也同样面临着储量耗尽的问题。2012年至2017年期间,全球大型黄金公司的黄金资源储量从9.67亿盎司(约3万吨)下降到7.13亿盎司(约2.2万吨),下降幅度达26%,矿山平均服务年限从19年下降到16.5年。同一时期,通过勘探发现的高品位、世界级规模的矿床更少。尽管技术的进步也许可以把目前不盈利的新增储量加以利用,但对于很多黄金公司来说,仍然存在着储量耗尽或者接近于耗尽的风险。因此,补充和增加储量的战略需求不断增多。











一是初级勘探公司融资环境枯竭。近年来,黄金矿业巨头日益依赖于规模较小的初级勘探公司进行勘探,以补充其储量消耗。在20世纪80年代,初级黄金勘探公司新发现的资源储量占比为15%至30%,已发现资源量的占比更低。但从2000年开始,初级勘探公司新发现资源储量占比达65%至75%,已发现资源量占比达60%至70%。如今,当投资者不再钟情于那些传统上依赖公募和私募基金进行钻探项目的高风险勘探公司时,初级勘探公司资金匮乏。过去五年里,传统形式的资金已经枯竭,只有40家公司首次公募(IPO),筹集资金3.89亿美元。同一时期,与前四年相比,初级勘探公司后续股票发行的权益股收益减少了一半,为1500万美元。其他融资渠道如银行借款、私募或定向增发、权利金和金属流等,融资效果十分有限。行业从发现储量到开始生产和产生收益的交付时间较长。鉴于这个原因,初级勘探公司一直难以从银行借款,而且通常有限制条件。尽管权利金和金属流等融资工具已经越来越普遍,金属流公司和初级勘探公司也进行了大量交易,如美国的皇家黄金公司(Royal Gold)有超过300个项目权益,但大多数交易规模小,而且大的投资机会瞄准接近于生产或者棕地拓展等后期阶段的项目。2011年,长腾公司(Chieftain Metals)与皇家黄金公司达成金属流投融资协议,皇家黄金公司同意提前支付6000万美元,推进位于加拿大的图尔西阔(Tulsequah Chief)项目的初始经济评估研究。作为回报,皇家黄金公司有权购买该矿山所生产的12.5%份额,价格为450美元/盎司,并以黄金支付。实际上,在该项目支付了4.8万盎司(约1.5吨)黄金后,价格为500美元/盎司、份额降低到7.5%。




四是加速损耗的高品位储量。面对黄金价格下降和成本压力,许多公司依靠高品位储量。尤其是那些低品位和难处理原矿石的公司,利润对于黄金价格更为敏感。简单地说,采富矿如同吃白菜心——就是采原矿体的高品位区域——以得到短期经济利益,剩下的部分等金价上涨后再采。但在实践中很难做到,因为剩下的原矿体只会变得边际经济,结果导致基础储量损失。采富矿在短期内可能成为黄金公司降低成本的最有效方法。但对于一些公司来说,其长远的影响是大量的现有储量和资源将被浪费。2016年,大约60%的黄金矿山的入选原矿品位超过矿山储量品位。尽管有时候用采掘计划来搪塞,但实际上,大部分都是精心设计以增加现金流和维持运营为目的。比如格兰尼斯密斯(Granny Smith)、塞罗内格罗(Cerro Negro)和蓝岭(Turquoise Ridge)等公司,都通过采富矿来维持运营。据估计,在2012年至2016年期间,以减少储量为代价来采集富矿,黄金公司额外生产了大约100吨至200吨黄金。





1. We do not want a trade war, but we are not afraid of fighting ______.

A. it B. one C. that D. this

2. —Have you paid the ______?—Yes. It's ten more dollars this month.

A. bill B. price C. value D. menu

3. —Are you feeling any better now?—No. I have taken some medicine, but it just doesn't _______. A. use B. care C. help D. fit

4. You ______ be very tired with the long drive. Let's stop to have a rest.

A. must B. can C. shall D. need

5. Just be ______; you can't lose your weight in a day.

A. careful B. patient C. honest D. brave

6. The sports meeting won't be put off _____ it rains.

A. until B. if C. unless D. whether

7. The teacher changed my seat to the front so that I could see the words on the blackboard _____.

A. nearly B. hardly C. closely D. clearly

8. The traveler ______ his map to make sure he was not lost.

A. looked after B. looked up C. looked for D. looked down

9. —Didn't you hear Dad call you?—No, I didn't. I ______ with Jack on the phone.

A. am talking B. would talk C. have talked D. was talking

10. —Can you tell me ______?—Sure. You can take the K2 bus.

A. where the high-speed rail station isB. where is the high-speed rail station

C. how I can get to the high-speed rail stationD. how can I get to the high-speed rail station

11. That meat is ______ dear. Don't buy______.

A. too much, much too ​B. much too, too much

C. much too, much too ​D. too much , too much

12. He saw a new book on the ground , and stopped________.

A. picking up it ​B. picking itup​ C. to pick up it​ D. to pick it up

13. One hundred and eighty dollars______ a lot of money. A. are ​B. have ​C. is​ D. has

14. You may go to the market by _______ of the two ways.

A. both ​B. either ​C. every ​D. any

15. They ______ all their money, so they have to walk home.

A. spend ​B. have spent ​C. spent ​D. are spending

16. John didn't come to the party, ____ at home.

A. he maybe​ B. maybe he ​C. he may be D. may be he

17. A story ________ by Granny yesterday.

A. is told us ​B. told us ​C. was told to us ​D. was told us

18. We could see nothing because the lights suddenly______.

A. went on ​B. went over ​C. went down D. went out

19. He _____ us to visit an old worker. A. decided​ B. hoped ​C. wanted D. agreed

20.This book is worth ________. A. to read ​B. read to ​C. read​ D. reading

21. Who left the windows________. A. opening ​B. open​ C. opened ​D. opens

22.They were thirsty, they had a good drink _______ the bottle. A.of​ B.out of ​C.off​ D. out

23. I'm sorry, I took your raincoat ______ mistake. A. by​ B. at ​C. with ​D. for

24. ________ everybody is here, let's begin the meeting.

A. Because ​B. So​ C. Since ​D. When

25. It was ______ bad weather that we all had to stay inside.

A. so ​B. rather C. such​ D. very

26. I _______ a cold for a week, I am not still well.

A. caught ​B. have caught C. have​ D. have had

27. I think it will be all right_______ him to go to school this year.

A. to ​B. of C. with D. for

28. These two books aren't interesting, I don't want _______ of them.

A. an y ​B. none C. either D. every

29. Half of the month______ passed.

A. have B. has C. has been D. have been

30. The poor woman _____a baby in her arms.

A. took B. brought C. carried D. got

31. She left her baby ________ her sister's care.

A. Of B. with C. in D. at

32. This kind of cake looks________, smells_______ and tastes______.

A. good, well, good ​B. good, good, good C. well, good, well​ D. well, well , well

33. The teacher didn't begin the class_______ all the students______.

A. until, stopped to talk ​B. because , stopped talking

C. while stopped to talk ​D. before, stopped talking

34. A policeman saw it________ when he was walking past.

A. to be happened B. happened C. to happen D. happen

35. Do you remember ______ the film last year?

A. See B. to see C. saw D. seeing


It was Molly's job to hand her father his paper lunch bag each morning before he left home to work.

One morning, besides his 36 lunch bag. Molly handed him a second paper bag, which looked a bit old.

"Why two bags?" her father asked. "The other is something else," Molly answered. "What's in it?""Just something. Take it with you."

He put37 paper bags into his briefcase (公文包), kissed Molly and rushed off. At noon he opened Molly's bag and took out all the things: a small Teddy bear, 2 tiny sea shells (贝壳), 5 small stones, and 12 coins…The 38 father smiled, finished eating, and swept the desk clean into the wastebasket, Molly's things in the bag included, and then put himself into the afternoon work.

That evening, Molly ran up to him 39 he was reading the newspaper.

"Where's my bag?""What's bag?""The one I gave you this morning."

"I 40 it at the office. Why?""I forgot to put this 41 in it," she said. "And, besides, Daddy, the things in the bag are the things I really like—I thought you might like to 42 with them. You didn't lose the bag, did you, Daddy?"

"Oh, no. I just forgot to bring it home." he 43.

While Molly hugged (拥抱) her father's neck, he opened the note that read: "I love you, Daddy." Molly had given him her 44—all that a 7-year-old held.

Love in a paper bag, and he 45 it. He had even thrown it in the wastebasket. So back he went hurriedly to the 46. Just before the night cleaner, he found all the things back and carried the bag home 47 .

After dinner, he asked Molly to tell him about the things in the bag. It 48 a long time to tell. 49 had a story or a memory.

The life journey with the people we love is all that really matters. It is such a simple 50 but it is so easily forgotten.

36. A. usual B. new C. spare D. warm

37. A. all B. both C. some D. many

38. A. angry B. careful C. busy D. strict

39. A. since B. till C. as D. because

40. A. forgot B. hid C. kept D. left

41. A. letter B. message C. diary D. note

42. A. play B. joke C. talk D. deal

43. A. lied B. promised C. nodded D. agreed

44. A. coins B. stones C. shells D. treasures

45. A. cleaned B. missed C. threw D. dropped

46. A. school B. office C. shop D. home

47. A. worriedly B. actively C. carefully D. luckily

48. A. spent B. paid C. cost D. took

49. A. Anything B. Nothing C. Everything D. Something

50. A. rule B. truth C. idea D. way



Abby's father was taking her to visit her grandmother. Abby was going to be away for three months. "I can't leave Tobias behind," she said. "You will have to," said her father. "You can't take Tobias into another country."

Abby thought it was silly rule. "I will take him," she said to herself. So she put him in a sock and packed it in her bag.

At the airport, Abby put her bag by the x-ray machine. Abby felt her legs shaking as the bag was going through the machine. She hoped Tobias in the bag made no noise. The woman by the machine smiled and said, "Have a good flight."

On the plane, Abby waited until her dad and the woman next to her fell asleep. Then she opened the sock to look at Tobias. But he jumped out of the sock and landed on the woman's knee. The woman cried loudly, "A mouse!" Abby quickly put Tobias into the sock and back into her bag.

Before they landed, Dad filled out a form, choosing no to: Are you bringing any live animals into the country?

She saw the man frown (皱眉) as her bag went through the x-ray machine. She watched when he opened the bag and pulled out the sock.

"Come with me, please."

Abby followed her dad into a small room. There was a police officer and Tobias in the sock was on the desk. The police officer talked to Abby's dad, "You have tried to smuggle (走私) an animal into this country." Abby felt fear came all over her body. "It's my fault (过错)," she said in a small voice. "I didn't want to leave him behind.""Have you ever been in trouble before?" the officer asked as he wrote "animal smuggler" next to her name. Abby opened her mouth but no sound came out.

Tobias had to be in quarantine (隔离) for six months, which cost a lot of money. And Abby wouldn't be able to visit her grandmother again. Now, she learned there was a good reason for rules.

51. Who was Tobias?

A. A sock. B. Abby's toy. C. A mouse. D. Abby's brother.

52. How did Abby feel by the x-ray machine?

A. Worried. B. Excited. C. Unhappy. D. Relaxed.

53. Why were Abby and her dad asked into a small room?

A. Abby told a lie. B. Dad forgot to fill out a form.

C. They were thought to be smuggling animals.

D. They were asked to explain what happened on the plane.

54. Which of the following is true?

A. Dad knew Abby was taking Tobias with her. B. Taking Tobias brought Abby much trouble.

C. The police officer wrote "animal smuggler" next to Dad's name.

D. Tobias was found out by the woman beside the x-ray machine.

55. What lesson did Abby learn?

A. Never to take Tobias around. B. Always to follow rules.

C. Never to smuggle animals. D. Always to tell the truth.


Did you take part in a camp this summer? There are so many summer camps and not all of them are the same. To choose which camp is best for you, first you must do a bit of research.

Maybe you've never thought about it before, but every great summer camp has the same main goals—opportunity, challenge and growth.

Opportunity means you are given a chance to do something special. It also makes you special because other kids don't have the same opportunity. For example, if you are interested in writing, then you can choose to join a journalism (新闻) camp. You may have the opportunity of meeting famous journalists there.

Challenge means you are given a task. You must finish the task and succeed in dealing with the challenge. Then you will have a sense of achievement. For example, you could take a lifeguard course at some summer camps. If you pass the exam, then you will receive a certificate (证书) to become a real lifeguard.

This also leads to the third and most important goal of very great summer camp—personal growth. It doesn't mean growing taller and stronger or more beautiful. It means seeing yourself improve, learning something new and doing something you didn't know or believe you could do before. It also means becoming more confident in yourself.

So in the future when choosing your next summer camp, remember to ask yourself: Is it a special opportunity? Is it a challenge? Will I grow?

But what about friendship, fun and joy? These will all happen naturally when you have the right goals at summer camps!

56. Which is the writer's opinion?

A. Different camps have different goals. B. There are too many summer camps today.

C. All great summer camps have the same main goals.

D. All the summer camps offer the same activities and courses.

57. According to the passage, a camper feels successful when he ______.

A. joins the best camp B. finishes a hard task

C. grows taller and stronger D. takes a special chance

58. The most important thing for a camper is to ______.

A. take opportunities B. grow more beautiful

C. become better and more confident D. learn new life-saving skills

59. What does the last paragraph tell us?

A. It's not important to have fun at a camp. B. It's hard to make real friends at a camp.

C. You can get more joy with more goals at camp.

D. With the right goals, you can have fun while learning at a camp.

60. Which is the best title for the passage?

A. What makes a camp great? B. Which is the best goal?

C. How to be a successful camper? D. How to do research work?


At some point in life, many people develop a mental (精神) problem.

While most people get over it, for others it doesn't go away easily.

The WHO says that about 20 percent of teenagers worldwide suffer from mental illness. It's thought that the number of teenagers with mental

illness around the world will increase by half by 2020. It will become one of the main causes of illness, and even death.

In China, the picture isn't bright, either. About one tenth of teenagers

under the age of 17 have a mental health challenge.

The world is changing fast. Study and relationships have always caused stress, but today the stress is much higher than before, the WHO said.

A research centre in Oxford University says that young people today have big stresses at school. For example, they experience bullying (欺凌). In a 2017 report, the centre noted that the Internet was a special source (渠道) of stress. Online, young people often see "messages about perfection" and this causes the young "great uncertainty about their futures", says the centre.

Also, according to China Daily, Chinese people don't ask for help with their mental problems. They fear that others will think less of them if they say that they are in mental trouble. Elaine Peng, a US mental health educator, makes a similar point. And in the UK, over three quarters of young people believe their mental problems have a social stigma. It is reported in 2017 that a quarter of young UK people wouldn't ask for help if they developed a mental problem.

Young people who don't ask for help for their condition may be creating problems for themselves in the future. Elaine Peng warned that, "If we hide our mental health, it may remain a problem forever."

"My message for young people is, if you feel something is wrong within you—ask for help," he told China Daily.

61. Which of the following is NOT the cause of stress according to the passage?

A. Heavy schoolwork B. Being bullied at school.

C. Some information from the Internet. D. Certainty about the future.

62. Why don't Chinese people ask for help with their mental problems?

A. They don't think them serious. B. They can get over them in time.

C. They can keep their mental health secret. D. They are afraid of being looked down upon.

63. What does the underlined word "stigma" most probably mean in Chinese?

A. 羞耻 B.印象 C. 援助 D. 危害

64. Elaine Peng advised the teenagers with mental illness to ______.

A. think less of themselves B. avoid being bullied

C. ask for help as soon as possible D. stay away from the Internet.

65. The main purpose of the passage is to ______.

A. ask research centers for help B. tell about teenagers' stresses

C. call public attention on teenagers with mental illness

D. show some different opinions from different countries

第II 卷(非选择题 )四、单词拼写(共10个小题,满分10分)


66. Please ______ (归还) my dictionary as soon as possible.

67. You shouldn't leave your child in the house ______ (单独).

68. Mary found great fun working in the small ______ (花园).

69. I don't think money will ______ (解决) all my problems.

70. The restaurant offers different kinds of seafood, which ______ (品尝) good.

71. Man can't live w______ water.

72. Let's go to the l______ to borrow some books.

73. The manager made no r______ to the questions.

74. Let's open the window and have some f______ air in.

75. The dancer felt a bit n______ in her first performance.


Anna lost her arms in a car accident when she was a child. What was worse, she lost her parents 76 the age of twenty. Her elder sister, who was ten years 77 (old) than her, wanted to take care of her. However, Anna refused 78 (live) with her sister, saying that she would like to take care of herself. She managed to enter college and 79 (study) very hard. Four years later, she graduated and found a job. Once she wrote in her diary, "I am quite lucky. I lost my arms, 80 I still have my legs."

Anna chose to face her misfortune (不幸) in an active way. Instead of 81 (feel) sad every day, she decided not to let it hold her back. She has taught us a good lesson. When something bad happens to us, we have two 82 (choice). One is to complain (抱怨), and 83 other is to face it bravely. If we choose to run away, 84 will follow us wherever we go. If we decide to be strong, new hopes will come. So choose 85 (wise).





36-40 ABCCD 41-45 DAADB 46-50 BCDCB


51-55 CACBB 56-60 CBCDC 61-65 DDACC


66. return 67. alone 68. garden 69. solve 70. tastes

71. without 72. library 73. reply 74. fresh 75. nervous


76. at 77. older 78. to live 79. studied 80. but

81. feeling 82. choices 83. the 84. it 85. wisely

苹果酒或苹果西打Apple Wine / Apple Cider

苹果酒(Apple Wine)有时又称苹果西打(Apple Cider)或西打(Cider),至于如何界定不同名字之间的区别,并没有官方的定义。从市场销售的产品来看,苹果西打(Apple Cider)泛指不含酒精(≤0.5%/L)或低酒精的发酵苹果汁或酒,属于无醇或低醇果汁饮料范畴,在美国和加拿大被称为“硬西打(Hard Cider)”。此外,有些苹果醋和其他酿造果饮也会使用"Cider"一词;而苹果酒(Apple Wine)是指用新鲜的酒苹果酿制的传统苹果酒,酒精浓度>0.5%/L,属于酿造酒类。


通过以上分析表明,“Cider”一词可以代表各种“酿造果汁”或“酿造果酒”;而“Apple Wine”和“Apple Cider”才是传统苹果酒的常用名字。

由于市场销售的多数产品以“Cider”为主,以下内容将“Apple Wine”和“Apple Cider”按消费习惯统称为“苹果酒(Apple Cider)”。

苹果酒(Apple Cider)虽然是一种传统果酒,但一直鲜为人知。不过,最近几年在欧美国家又开始兴起,目前是全球第二大果酒,有数十个国家出产,产量仅次于葡萄酒。传统上,苹果酒主要产于英国、法国、西班牙和德国等旧世界国家。流行的新兴国家有美国、日本、波兰、澳大利亚和新西兰等。

美国Finnriver cider

传统英式苹果酒(Apple Wine)的酒精浓度在1.2%~8.5% ABV之间,欧盟其他国家出产的苹果酒的酒精浓度在0.5%~12% ABV之间,而多数普通苹果西打(Apple Cider)的酒精浓度在0.5%~6%之 ABV间。严格来说,纯天然苹果酒的酒精浓度与酒质息息相关,酒精浓度越高,酒质相对越好。而添加其他水果和糖分酿造的苹果酒,酒精浓度却与酒质无关,属于现代业化时尚饮料。

此外,有些无酒精(无醇)发酵苹果汁有时也会使用“Cider”术语标注,中文称“无醇苹果酒”或“苹果醋”。事实上,酒精浓度低于0.5% ABV的发酵果汁不属于酒的范畴,只能称之为“发酵饮料”或“果醋”。


苹果是全球种植最为广泛的水果之一,有“温带水果之王”的美称,它的种类特别丰富。不过,多数都属于鲜食类。而传统的苹果酒必须使用新鲜“酒苹果”才能酿造出口感平衡,味道丰富的苹果酒(Apple Cider)。

“酒苹果”是指专用于酿酒的苹果。此类苹果的皮糙而厚,口感差,有明显的酸涩感,但却含有丰富的糖分、酸度和酚类化合物。因此,特别适合酿酒。其实,多数新兴国家出产的苹果酒(Apple Cider)由各种食用苹果酿造,比如我国的红富士或国光等。用食用苹果酿造的苹果酒简单易饮,类似于饮料。而“酒苹果”酿造的苹果酒风味比较复杂,并且具有鲜明的个性,一些佳酿能媲美传统葡萄酒。



苹果酒(Apple Cider)的酿造过程

选料 → 清洗 → 碾碎 → 压榨 → 发酵 → 成熟 → 过滤(澄清 )→ 装瓶(罐) → 包装。



苹果酒(Apple Cider)的类型

苹果酒(Apple Cider)是一种古老的酒精饮料,具体起源于何时已无法考证。就历史情况而言,苹果酒主要产于西欧和英国的一些凉爽气候区。就目前的苹果酒市场销售情况来看,主要分3大类,分别是:传统苹果酒、现代苹果酒和特色苹果酒。


传统苹果酒(Apple Cider)常用达比奈特(Dabinett)、黑金斯敦(Kingston Black)、罗克斯伯里赤金(Roxbury Russet)和威克森(Wickson)等多品种采用传统手工艺方法酿造。传统苹果酒的颜色从淡黄色到琥珀色都有,相比现代苹果酒而言,单宁含量高,风味更自然。


现代苹果酒(Apple Cider)主要用金冠(Golden Delicious)、旭(McIntosh)、红金(Jonagold)、翠玉(Granny Smith)、富士(Fuji)和加拉(Gala)等苹果通过蒸煮的方式酿造而成。此类苹果酒的颜色多呈黄色,单宁含量低,酸度高。其中低酒精甜味苹果酒具有强烈的苹果香气和愉悦的口感。而高酒精干型苹果酒酸度略高,味道复杂,其他水果的香气更丰富。



苹果酒在酿造过程中加入啤酒花是为了生产出类似啤酒一样带有泡沫和啤酒花清香的特色苹果酒。香料苹果酒常见的有肉桂味或生姜味。用橡木桶陈酿的苹果酒能赋予酒体木材香气和泥土气息。此外,还有粉红苹果酒和起泡苹果酒。粉红苹果酒用红肉苹果酿造,比如粉红珍珠(Pink Pearl)和红爱慕(Amour Rouge)等品种。也可能会添加食品级天然红色素(从红葡萄皮提取的花青素)为酒体上色。起泡苹果酒大多是人工添加的二氧化碳(CO2),只有优质传统起泡苹果酒才会用类似香槟(Champagne)一样的二次发酵法酿造。

苹果酒(Apple Cider)的细分类




苹果酒的颜色主要取决于酿酒原料、生产工艺和所需要的产品类型。通常,白苹果酒往往更甜,更清爽。琥珀色或深褐色苹果有时又称“黑苹果酒”,常标注“Union Black”或“Barnstormer Black”等术语。


静态苹果酒指酒在20℃条件下测量酒中二氧化碳含量≤0.5 bars,>0.5 bars属于起泡酒范畴。苹果酒的二氧化碳来源有两种途径,一是人工添加二氧化碳,另一种是通过二次发酵自然生成的二氧化碳。多数廉价起泡苹果酒的二氧化碳由人工添加。只有像香槟一样经过二次发酵的苹果酒才会自然生成二氧化碳,此类酒的气压通常在0.5~6 bars之间,酒质较高,风味复杂,售价也比较贵。




苹果酒的含糖量与葡萄酒一样,甜型含糖量>50g/L;半甜型含糖量在12~50g/L之间;半干型含糖量在4~12g/L之间;干型含糖量<4g/L。而特别干(Extra Dry)和极干(Brut)只会出现在传统起泡苹果酒的标签上面,残糖含量与起泡葡萄酒一样。


此外,受冰葡萄酒启发,近年在法国、加拿大、英格兰和新西兰等国,有个别生产者用天然冰冻苹果酿造出冰苹果酒,常用的法语名叫“Cidre de Glace”,酒精浓度在9~13%ABV之间。



历史上,苹果酒主要产自欧洲。比如英国、法国西北部、西班牙北部、意大利北部、和德国西南部等。如今,全球多数国家都有出产各自的苹果酒(Apple Cider),酒的类型和风格各异,质量也良莠不齐,有工业化饮料,也有传统手工艺苹果酒。


英国是全球苹果酒人均消费量最高的国家,也是苹果酒产量最大的国家,平均年产量约60亿升。这个产量约占欧盟总产量的60%,其中90%的苹果酒来自HP Bulmer和Matthew C1ark公司,前者是全球最大的苹果酒生产商。

在英国,尽管宣传说“真正的苹果酒”至少含有90%以上的新鲜苹果汁,其实按英国的法律规定,苹果酒(Apple Cider)至少含有35%的苹果汁(新鲜或浓缩汁),从规定中可以看出,一些苹果酒可能只含有少量的苹果汁。

英式苹果酒(Apple Cider)大多使用苦酸型苹果酿造,口感较干,酒精浓度也比较高,按传统分2大类:西部地区传统苹果酒和东部地区传统苹果酒。前者的苦酸型苹果用量比例更高,酒中单宁含量丰富,苹果味更浓。东部地区的苹果酒往往用高比例的甜苹果酿制,酒体轻盈,口感柔和清新,简单易饮。

事实上,今天的英式苹果酒(Apple Cider)类型和口味变得越来越丰富,不仅有静态苹果酒与起泡苹果酒之分,还有清澈型与混浊型。除了有闻名世界的大酒厂,也有为当地酒吧和商店供货的小农场,以及手工艺生产者,品类丰富多样。


以出产非主流风味苹果酒为主,最大的生产者是C&C集团和Bulmers。C&C出产的苹果酒在爱尔兰以外称为“Magners”。而“Cidona”是Bulmers公司出产的的非酒精苹果饮料。此外,近年又出现不少以手工艺方法酿造苹果酒的小生产者,通常标注有“Irish Craft Cider”。


苹果酒的法语称“Cidre”。主要产自法国北部的诺曼底大区和布列塔尼大区。这里的苹果酒风格比较丰富,不仅有甜型,还有半干(Demi-Sec)和极干( Brut),多数都是起泡酒类。有些高端苹果酒采用类似香槟一样的生产工艺和包装,风格和外观几乎与香槟一样。

事实上,诺曼底大区是法国著名的Calvados白兰地产区,属于AOC产区级别。而苹果酒(Apple Cidre)属于IGP产区或无产区级别的普通酿造酒。按法国的法律规定,苹果酒(Apple Cidre)必须由100%新鲜苹果酿制。




苹果酒(Apple Cider)曾是西班牙北部地区重要的酒精饮料之一,据说在公元前60年就已出现。如今,它仍产自北部出产苹果的地区,著名的产地有阿斯图里亚斯王国、加利西亚、坎塔布里亚和巴斯克地区等。其中阿斯图里亚斯王国的产量占西班牙总产量的80%以上。而且人均消费量也是最高的,年人均消费54 L,这可能是欧洲最高的消费量。

Cider的西班牙语称“Sidra”,主要分为2种风格,一类是与其他国家一样的起泡苹果酒;另一类是阿斯图里亚斯王国出产的传统苹果酒。其中最受欢迎的品牌是El Gaitero,这是一种工业化的甜味起泡苹果酒(Sidra),有别于传统苹果酒。而传统的阿斯图里亚斯苹果酒(Sidra)有桶装,也有瓶装。通常在专业的苹果酒酒吧以特殊的传统形式销售,就是侍酒者用右手将苹果酒高举过头部,左手拿杯放在大腿根部,然后像拉茶一样将酒从空中冲入专用的阔口玻璃杯内,当地称之为“escanciar un culín”或“echar un culín”,意思是“来一碗”。这是阿斯图里亚斯王国特有的一种苹果酒文化,用这种倒酒方式的目的是让酒液冲出泡沫,提升口感。



苹果酒通常称“Apfelwein”。在国内别称Ebbelwoi, Apfelmost, Viez或 Saurer Most,酒精浓度在5.5~7% ABV之间。



意大利曾经大量生产苹果酒,之后受法律约束影响,产量大降。目前,只有北部特伦蒂诺(Trentino)和皮埃蒙特(Piedmont)北部的阿尔卑斯山区出产少量的苹果酒,传统名叫“vin ëd pom”或“pomada”。不同的是,这些苹果酒常与葡萄渣一起放在大桶中发酵,酒体具有独特的微红色,风味很特别。

如今,意大利也开始出产传统苹果酒,特别是标注有“Italian craft cider”的苹果酒,意思是“意大利手工艺苹果酒”,酒质和风味都很特别。


据记载,苹果酒在中世纪中期的葡萄牙北部特别流行,当时的产量超过葡萄酒,名字也比较多,如Sidrada,Nua Cider,Sidra Alfa和Sidra Faca nos Dentes等。11世纪之后,葡萄酒的兴起,导致苹果酒的受欢迎程度大降,苹果酒的身影一度难觅。





著名的苹果酒生产商是1898年成立的Cidre Ruwet,以出产高端手工艺苹果酒闻名。其他品牌还有Stassen SA出产的Strassen X Cider和Strongbow Jacques等,以及Konings NV出产的 Stella Artois Cidre等。


丹麦的苹果酒酿造兴起于21世纪之后,产量很少,以英国和法国苹果酒风格为主。主要生产商是CULT A / S。2008年,嘉士伯啤酒公司推出一款名为“Somersby cider”的甜美苹果酒,酒精浓度在4.5~4.7% ABV之间。


芬兰出产的苹果酒并非传统苹果酒,大多是用苹果汁或添加梨汁混合酿造的低酒精苹果酒饮料,口味从各种浆果味到香草或香料味都有,属于特色风格苹果酒。著名品牌有Golden Cap,Fizz和Upcider等。


荷兰是苹果酒新兴国家之一。2007年,喜力公司推出名为Jillz的含气苹果酒饮料。之后针对男性消费者又推出Strongbow Gold品牌苹果酒,酒精浓度在5% ABV左右,比如著名的Magners和Savanna Dry等。




波兰是欧洲最大的苹果出产国,产地集中在中部的马绍夫省(Masovian)和罗兹省( Łódź),每年为英国、斯堪的纳维亚半岛和爱尔兰提供大量的浓缩苹果汁,供其酿制苹果酒。

苹果酒(Cider)在波兰被称为“Cydr”或“Jabłecznik”。 2013年,全国的苹果酒消费量超过200万升,销售额比上一年增长了一倍以上。


按瑞典法律规定,以“Cider”冠名的苹果酒,苹果汁含量不得低于15%。苹果汁含量低于15%的苹果酒只能以“苹果/梨饮料(Apple/Pear beverage)”或“苹果酒风格(Cider character)”出售,瑞典语称:Äpple-Pärondryck或Ciderkaraktär。



“Cider”在瑞士的德语区被称为“Suure Most”或“Saft”,法语区称为“Cidre”,意大利语区称为“Sidro”。



在美国,发酵的苹果酒通常被称为硬西打(Hard Cider),这是一种甜苹果酒(Sweet Cider)或果汁饮料。

事实上,按美国法规,Cider的苹果汁含量至少占50%或以上。因此,之前的硬西打(Hard Cider)代表的廉价苹果酒饮料已成为过去。如今,美国苹果酒开始用野生苹果和酒苹果,结合传统工艺酿造。这些传统苹果酒具有诱人的酸度和单宁,口味不仅有甜型,也有干型和其他风格。


在加拿大,如果原料中没有苹果,则不能称为Cider。此外,根据加拿大的《食品和药品法规》,Cider的酒精含量不得低于2.5%或超过13% ABV,通常在5~7% ABV之间。但是,在酿造过程中允许添加的成分特别灵活,可以使用17种不同的食品级原料、化学品和气体。

魁北克苹果酒(Quebec cider)被认为是最传统的苹果酒。它用100%纯苹果汁酿制,酒精浓度在7%~13% ABV之间,通常以750 mL的香槟酒瓶出售,是起泡葡萄酒的最佳替代品。

最近几年,加拿大又推出一种称之为“冰西打(Ice cider)”的苹果酒,其实就是用天然冰冻的苹果酿造的冰酒,酒中的糖分含量较高,口感特别香甜。


在墨西哥,Cider称“Sidra”,主要分2类,一类是流行的苹果味碳酸饮料,例如Sidral Mundet,Manzana Lift,Manzanita Sol和Sidral Aga AGA等。另一类是含酒精的Sidra,这是一种类似于香槟酒(Champagne)的起泡苹果酒。


在阿根廷,苹果酒(Cider)别称Sidra,这是当地圣诞节和新年假期最受欢迎的低酒精碳酸饮料之一,比如著名品牌Real,La Victoria,Rama Caida和Tunuyan等。不同的是,阿根廷苹果酒通常以0.72 L玻璃瓶或塑料瓶盛装。不过,近几年,小瓶装苹果酒(Cider)更为流行。


智利自殖民时代以来就出产苹果酒(Cider),主要产自南部地区。这里除了有传统的起泡苹果酒之外,还有“苹果奇怡(chicha de manzana”或“ apple chicha”),这是一种质量较低的自制混浊型静态苹果酒,与西打(Cider)有本质区别。


在乌拉圭,苹果酒(Cider)不一定完全用苹果酿造,这个名字常与菲斯( fizz)一词组合使用,意思是嘶嘶作响的西打(Cider),其实是指含有气体的西打(Cider)。比如菠萝菲斯(Ananá fizz)、草莓菲斯(Frutilla fizz)或桃汁菲斯(Durazno fizz)等,这些都是夏日消暑解渴的低酒精饮料。


日本不是苹果酒(Cider)的传统生产国,但却是著名优质苹果的产地,受苹果酒的潮流影响,在青森县和长野县出现不少苹果酒生产商。这里的苹果酒采用的术语是法语“Cidre”,日语称为“シードル”,有时又用“苹果起泡酒(apple sparkling wine)”标注酒的类型。


印度曾经是英国的殖民地,因此以出产英式苹果酒(Cider)为主。随着近几年的经济快速增长,各大城市出现不少苹果酒品牌。2005年,Parle公司推出一款经过过滤的无酒精碳酸苹果汁,称为“Appy Fizz”,在市场上广受欢迎,并迅速成为时尚饮料。


这里出产的苹果酒(Cider)都属于无酒精苹果味的碳酸饮料,例如著名品牌Mehran Bottler出产的苹果西德拉(Apple Sidra)和Murree Brewery出产的比格苹果(Bigg Apple)等,特别畅销。


南非的苹果酒(Cider)市场主要由迪思特集团公司(Distell Group Limited)的品牌:猎人(Hunters)和萨凡纳干(Savanna Dry)占据。猎人(Hunters)品牌的酒款有:干猎人(Hunters Dry)、金猎人(Hunters Gold)、出口猎人(Hunters Export)和边缘猎人(Hunters Edge)。萨凡纳干(Savanna Dry)分清淡型(Light Premium)和黑萨凡纳(Savanna Dark)2种。



澳大利亚的苹果酒(Apple Cider)生产源自于早期外来的定居者。2005年之前,全国的苹果酒市场主要由Mercury Cider和Strongbow品牌占据。之后,又出现不少竞争者,比如Three Oaks Cider,Pipsqueak和Tooheys 5 Seeds Cider,以及外来品牌Magners,Weston,Monteith,Kopparberg,Rekorderlig和Somersby等。

近年,随着苹果酒(Cider)的兴起,一些生产者开始尝试用传统酒苹果采用传统方法酿造苹果酒,例如维多利亚哈考特酒庄(Harcourt)出产的Henry's和Crucible。亚拉河谷(Yarra Valley)的生产者有凯利兄弟苹果酒(Kelly Brothers cider)、利利代尔(Lilydale)和拿破仑公司(Napoleone&Co.)等。

南澳大利亚的精品苹果酒生产者有阿德莱得山区(Adelaide Hills)的Lobo和The Hills Cider;布拉(Burra)的Throgoods,以及巴罗萨(Barossa)的Aussie Cider等。其他地区的生产者还有Red Sails,Pagan Cider,Dickens Cider, Spreyton Cider和Willie Smiths等。


新西兰对于苹果酒( Cider)的苹果汁的用量没有明确规定。因此,以 Cider名义销售的苹果酒大多由浓缩果汁或出口淘汰的苹果酿造,都是一些低果汁含量的甜味饮料。这些廉价苹果汁饮料主要由3个大型啤酒厂:Lion Nathan,DB和Independent生产与销售。多数 Cider的酒精浓度在4%~5% ABV之间。

在新西兰,除了大量廉价苹果酒( Cider)外,也存在一些优质苹果酒生产者,比如Peckham's Cider和Nelson Cider等。

派克汉姆西打(Peckham's Cider)用的原料都出自生产者自家的苹果园内,用100%苹果汁酿造,产品类型丰富,并多次在 Cider大赛中赢得桂冠。

纳尔逊(Nelson)的阿贝尔苹果酒(Abel Cider)是另一家用100%新鲜苹果和梨酿造传统苹果酒的生产商。Abel Cider不同于其他工业化苹果酒,它是用手工采摘的成熟苹果通过压碎后自然发酵而成,然后用自然重力澄清法澄清。因此,最大限度地保留了水果的天然风味。

此外,不少生产者还出产特色风格苹果酒( Cider)。比如与梨、野生浆果、芒果、覆盆子、草莓、青柠和黑加仑等不同的水果混合酿造的苹果酒,以及添加香料的苹果酒等。最具代表性的是Monteith's啤酒厂的苹果和梨酒,以及Nelson和Old Mout Cider等。



英 语 试 题

(总分120分 考试时间120分钟)












1. A. Hello, I'm Linda. B. Why are you calling me? C. Sorry, she isn't at home now.

2. A. No, I can't. B. Yes, of course. C. Yes, please.

3. A. Yes, I could. B. This way, please. C. That sounds great.

4. A.I lost my wallet. B. Thanks a lot. C. I've won the first prize.

5. A. Good idea. B. I'm sorry to hear t

hat. C.Sorr

y,1 won't do that again.




6. Wher

e can the man find his ipad?

A. In the living room. B. In the washroom. C. In his bedroom.

7. What does the man mean?

A. The weather is changeable(多变的).

B. People can easily have a cold.

C. There are four seasons in a year.

8.Where does the dialogue probably take place?

A. In a bookstore. B. In a library. C. In a restaurant

9.Which subjects is Joe good at?

A. Science and math. B. Chinese and English. C. Science and English

10. When ca

n Anna meet the headmaster?

A. At 9:00 a.m.. B. At 9:30 a.m. C. At 3:00 p.m.


11.How are things going with Scott?

A. Great. B. Not very good. He ill. C. Not very good, but it’s getting better.

12. When is Scott going to have an interview?

A. On Friday. B. On Saturday. C. On Sunday.

13.What did the doctor ask Scott to do?

A. To drink some hot water.

B. To take some medicine four times a day.

C. To stay in bed for two or three days.

14. Was the doctor's advice helpful?

A. Yes, he feels better now.

B. No, it didn't seem to be helpful.

C. Yes, he is all right now.

15.How will Carla help Scott?

A. She will take him to see her mom.

B. She will take him to see a doctor of Chinese medici


C. She will give him some traditional Chinese medicine.




16. -Will you stay for _________ supper with us?

-Sure, I'd love to. Home cooking is just what I like.

A. a B. an C. the D. /

17. -__________is your father?

-He's an engineer in a big factory.

A. Who B. What C. Which D. Where

18. -Why do people never cut up the _______________ on their birthdays?

-Because they are a symbol of long life.

A. eggs B. cakes C. noodles D. dumplings

19. How do you get on with little brother? I’ve just had a baby sister I'm

worrying about it.

A.my B.his C.her D.your

20.“重要的事情说三遍。”can be translated into "Important things must be

and again and again.”.

A. spoken B. repeated C. described D. introduced

21. If we just think about _____,he boat of friendship will be overturned anytime.

A. myself B. himself C. yourself D. ourselves

22. Stephen Hawking got more than 380, 000 followers in two hours first

message on Weibo.

A. before B. since C. after D. until

23.-Have you read the book Harry Potter?

-Sure. Eric is also _______ it and we become friends because of that.

A. proud of B. afraid of C. serious about D. interested in

24. -Good morning. I'd like a birthday gift for my mother.

-What about this scarf? It is beautiful and it______ soft and smooth.

A. feels B. looks C. seems D. becomes

25. -Your son used to be a homebody but he now likes outdoor activities. How did you do that?

-I tried many ways over and over again. _______ ,I made it.

A. Next B. Then C. Finally D. Suddenly

26. On my way home, I saw a granny fall down. I offered help first and then


A. called up B. cared for C. cheered up D. found out

27. Great ______ for football lovers-more than 50,000 soccer schools will be built in our country by the end of 2025.

A. news B. message C. situation D. information

28. Shanghai Disney Park will be opened on June 16"'. But the tickets for the first day have ______ sold out.

A. ever B. just C. never D. already

29._________ running after success, we have a lot af other interesting things to do in our lives.

A. By B. On C. Besides D. Except

30. -Excuse me, sir, visiting hours are over. You ___________ leave.

-Pardon me, nurse. I didn't hear the bell.

A. may B. can C. must D. need

31. -Are you sure this is a photo _______, the famous comedy actress?

-It surprised you, didn't it? But she was once really thin.

A. Jia Ling B. Jia Ling's C. of Jia Ling D. of Jia Ling's

32. -Why didn't you cry for help when you were robbed (被抢劫)?

-If I opened my mouth, they might find my fou

r gold teeth. That would be ______!

A. bad B. much worse C. worst D. the worst

33. At the farewell party, Kobe Bryant said, "________ the support of my fans, it would be hard for me to achi

eve such great success.”

A. With B. Under C. Through D. Without

34. -A recent survey shows that 35 0ut of 45 students in my class will save their phones first in a fire.

-About _______ of the students made such a choice? Life is far more important, isn't it?

A. half B. one third C. two thirds D. three quarters

35. -Could you please tell me________ , Sonia?

-It's on the first Tuesday of May. We hold special parties and give teachers thank-you notes that day.

A. if you had Teachers' Day in America

B. when Teachers' Day is in America

C. what you did on Teachers' Day

D. how do you show your thanks to your teachers





A gentleman once advertised(登广告)for a boy to help him in his office, and nearly fifty persons asked for the place. Out of the whole number he in a short time chose one, and sent all the other boys away.

“I should like to know," said a friend, "on what ground yo

u chose that boy. He didn't even have a recommendation(推荐信)with him.一

“You are mistaken,”said the gentleman, "he had a great many: -

“He made his shoes clean when he came in, and closed the door after him; showing

that he was orderly(井然有序的).

"He gave his seat to the disabled old man; showing that he was__________

"He took off his cap when he came in, and answered my questions quickly and

respectfully c恭敬地) ; showing that he was polite.

"He lifted up the book which I had purposely c故意地) laid on the floor, and put it on the table, while all the others stepped over it or pushed it aside; showing that he was careful.

"And he waited quietly for his turn, instead of pushing the others aside; showing that he was modest (谦逊的 ) .

"When I talked with him, I noticed that his clothes were carefully brushed, his hair in nice order, and his teeth as white as milk. When he wrote his name, I noticed that his fingernails were clean; instead of having some untidy personal habits.

"Don't you call these things letters of recommendation? I do; and the things that I can discover a boy by using my eyes for ten minutes, is worth more than all the fine letters

that he can bring.”

36. Choose the right word to complete the sentence in paragraph 5 according to the context(上下文).

A. kind B. smart C. lovely D.healthy

37. How did the gentleman know the boy was polite?

A. He made his shoes clean when he came in.

B. He took off his cap when he came in.

C. He waited quietly for his turn.

D. His teeth and fingernails were clean.

38. The gentleman laid the book on the floor because_________.

A. he used to be like this

B. he wanted to know who was orderly

C. he tried to know who had tidy personal habits

D. he wanted to test the people who asked for the job

39. How many reasons made the gentleman choose that boy?

A. Five. B. Six C. Seven. D. Eight.

40. What can you learn from this passage?

A. The gentleman is a wise man.

B. All gentlemen can choose the right person by using their eyes.

C. Good behaviors c行为) and good habits a工e important for a person.

D. One should pay more attention to his recommendation than to his behaviors.


This May is a busy month in Dongying. There's a lot to do. Here are some important



Voice of Vienna Symphony Orchestra, Austria(奥地利维也纳之声交响乐团


excellent musicians from all over the world. They have accompanied(为……伴奏)many world famous musicians and singers. They are coming to Dongying again. Come and enjoy their wonderful performances!

Place : Snow Lotus (莲花) Theatre Time : 19:30-21:00 ( or so)Price: Six levels, from¥480 to¥50 Dates: 1-2 MayTel:6090555

A Mini Marathon (5 km)

On May 8 , 2016 ,"China Wanda 2016 Yellow River Estuary ( Dongying)International

Marathod' will be held. At the same time, a mini Marathon (5km) will be held, too. All the citizens who were born before May 8, 2006 are encouraged to register(报名).

Registration place; Registration time:Dongying National Fitness(健身)Center 8 : 30 a. m.- ll:30 a. m.Entry fee(参赛费用):¥30 (students free) 1:30 p. m.-5;30 p. m.Tel; 8097628 Registration Dates:2-27 Mar.

Tango Dancing

Tango is fun and easy to learn. Yang Yi, a famous Chinese Tango dancer will come and show you how to do it. Are you ready? Take your partners, go and dance till you drop.

Place: Dongying Art Troupe (团 ) Time: 8:00 p.m.-12:00 p.m.Price:¥150 (including some drinks) Dates: Every Saturday in MayTel: 8331644

Dining - Sushi (寿司) Chef (厨师) in Town

Sushi is getting really big in Dongying. In Japan, it's become an art form. The

most famous sushi 'artist is Yuki Kamura. She's also one of the few women chefs in Japan. She will be here with you at Sushi Scene.

Place: Sushi Scene in Dongying Hotel Time: Lunch timePrice:¥200 (taste sushi without pay) Dates: 1-31 MayTel: 8062999

41. If you want to book (预定) a ticket for the activity at 7;30 p. m on l May, you may call

A. 6090555 B. 8097628 C. 8331644 D. 8062999

42. If you want to take part in the Mini Marathon, you must

A. exercise at Dongying National Fitness Center

B. be over ten years old

C. pay¥30

D. register before March

43. If you like dancing, you can go to .

A. Snow Lotus Theatre B. Dongying National Fitness Center

C. Dongying art Troupe D. Sushi Scene in Dongying Hotel

44. Which of the following is NOT TRUE according to the passage?

A. If you are a student, you can get a special concert ticket at the price of¥50.

B. You can't register for the Mini Marathon between 11: 30 a. m.

and l: 30 p. m.

C. When you take part in the Tango Dancing, you can have some free drinks.

D. You can have free sushi at Sushi Scene.

45. Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?

A. Voice of Vienna Symphony Orchestra, Austria has never been to Dongying before.

B. Yang Yi will teach you tango every Saturday afternoon in May.

C. There are many women chefs in Japan.

D. Sushi Scene will last (持续) a month.


It seems that school children all over the world complain (抱怨) about their school food. What do students of your age eat for lunch at school in other countries?


High schools have dining rooms. They serve everything from noodles to rice, but not burgers and chips. Other children bring food from home, such as cold rice balls, meat or fish, pickles c泡菜) and vegetables. Twice a year parents are invited to have a taste of the food.

United States

A typical menu from a US school is made up of a hamburger with fried potatoes or roast chicken, lettuce and pickles, fruit and cookies. School lunches must also provide at least one third of the daily amount (总量) of necessary nutrition (营养), such as, vitamin A, vitamin C and calcium (钙).


Meat pies, sausage rolls (香肠巷) and hotdo

gs are all traditional dishes in Australian school shops. But as the country pays more attention

to children's health, healthier foods have started to appear on school menus. Many schools have used a traffic light system. The sale of red labeled c标注) foods, including cookies, chocolate and soft drinks. Is served only twice a week. Healthier green labeled foods such as sushi, sandwiches, corn and watermelons, however, are available every day.

South Africa

Most of South African schools do not serve meals at all. Classes end at l; 30 p. m. and students get their own lunches. Many students bring food from home, usually sandwiches.

Fast food and fried food sell the best among students. As a result, it has caused a rise in obesity c肥胖) among children. But as more people began to realize that being too fat may cause

different kinds of serious illnesses, some schools in towns have led the way towards better nutrition. Now students at these schools are offered lunches of porridge with vegetables, such as cabbage, onions, beans, carrots and tomatoes.

46. High schools in Japan serve___________

A. noodles and rice B. burgers and rice balls

C. chips and vegetables D. fish

and roast chicken

47. From the passage, we know the typical menu from a US school is______.

A. delicious B. quite healthy

C. not very healthy D. popular in South Africa

48. Which are traditional dishes in Australia?

A. Meat pies and hotdogs. B. Chocolate and

soft drinks.

C. Cookies and sushi. D. Sandwiches and corn.

49. In South Africa,_________________.

A. most students have sandwiches and vegetables for lunch

B. students like fast food and fried food very much

C. more and more students become ill

D. students realized that fast food and fried food were bad for their health

50. Which of the following is NOT TRUE?

A. Parents in Japan are invited to taste the food twice a year.

B. In the United State

s, school lunches must provide at least one third of the daily amount of necessary nutrition.

C. In Australia, many schools have used a traffic light system.

D. In South Africa, schools don't serve meals.


We have heard about people who have special memories. Recently there has been a report about a woman from Australia who can remember almost every detail (细节) of all the events in her daily life.

Rebecca Sharrock, 25, is one of just 80 people worldwide who have been identified(确定) as having Highly Superior Autobiographical Memory ( HSAM,超级自传体记忆症). It means she can remember every small event-which most people would forget with in (在......以内) days-as if it had happened just minutes ago.

"I remember my mum putting me in the driver's seat of a car and taking a picture of me when I was 12 days old,” she said. "

That's my earliest memory. I remember every day since then. I can't tell all the dates exactly because I was too young to understand calendars, but I remember what I did that very day, what the weather was like and so on.”

Rebecca can also re-experience taste. If she's eating something that she doesn't like, she thinks about Black Forest cake, her favorite food, and the memory will be so strong that she can nearly "taste” it.

However, sometimes her memories prove (证明) to be painful. Because they're not just events that she remembers. "When I relive (再体验) memories, the feelings return, too,” Rebecca said. "For example, I remember falling over when I was three at my grandparents' house and hurting my left knee. Talking about it now, I feel painful in my left knee. "

"At night, I have to sleep with the radio/recorder and a soft light on,n she added. "1f it's too dark or quiet, my mind would be filled with all these memories and I can't sleep. "

51. Which is NOT TRUE about Rebecca?

A. She has special memories.

B. She is from Australia.

C. She is 25 years old.

D. She can remember every detail of all the events.

52. What happened to Rebecca on the day when she was 3 years old?

A. She was identified as having HSAM.

B. Her mother put her in a car and t

ook a picture of her.

C. She started to understand calendars.

D. She hurt her left knee at her grandparents'.

53. Whenever she is reliving her memories,__________

A. she is happy

B. she experiences the feelings again

C. she feels pain in her knees

D. she can taste her favorite food

54. What is the result of having HSAM?

A. She can remember every event in her daily life.

B. She can re-experience taste.

C. She can relive feelings.

D. All the above.

55. From the passage, we can infer (推断) that________

A. HSAM can do her good, but it also brings her pain

B. she feels painfu

l if she recalls her experiences

C. she can fall asleep while she is re-experiencing memories

D. HSAM can greatly improve her living conditions




Note: exhibition [ˌeksɪˈbɪʃn],展览

We will go to Asia's biggest food fair next Thursday instead of having classes.
PlaceThe International Exhibition Centre (IEC).
Time to leave schoolAt (56)________in the morning.
Time and place to meet at IECAt 10 a.m. at (57)__________ , Door C.
Special group price for students(58)________________.
Things for students to doTaste food, (59)___________ , watch cooking showsand join competitions.
Attention; Students who want to meet us at the IEC must tell me before 5 p. m on (60)_____.



Bullying (欺凌) is doing things to hurt other people. It is a serious problem at school.

Miah-now a 22-yearold girl, still (61)______ (remember) how she was bullied in junior high school. "They kicked me, put sticks in my hair and took money from me. Even worse, I (62)________ (make) to eat rubbish. I (63)_______never (63)

(forget) those moments. "

Miah is not the only case. I saw another bullying situation when I was a student. Some students bullied a handicapped (智力低下的) girl every day —hitting, pushing, and kicking her. They just enjoyed (64)______(do) it. The girl didn't realize that people (65)_______(hurt) her. She couldn't even tell the teacher. The situation lasted for a long time.

Bullying at school is getting worse, so, many people (66)______(try) to start

anti-bullying(反欺凌) programs. Students in many schools have already taken actions. They (67)_______(create) anti-bullying clubs. Many students have joined the clubs. They work with teachers to show students how to stop bullying. Some other programs have proved to be successful , too.

In Wales, two girls came up with an idea to stop bullying on the school bus. They created a bus pass (乘车证) and made four rules for students: no bullying, no swearing(骂脏话), no smoking and no shouting. Whenever a student broke a rule, he would get a mark on his pass. When a student had four marks, he wouldn't be

allowed to take the bus anymore. The bus pass idea worked. It (68)_______(stop) bullying on the bus.

In Michigan, some students tried to stop bullying with friendship. They made DVDs. They gave the DVDs to students in their school (69)_______ ( teach) them how to be good friends. This idea worked, too. After that, there was less bullying at their school.

School programs like these (70)____(help) bullies learn to behave properly and

they can also help prevent school bullying. I think it will come to a stop if everyone does something.




Some time ago, a fire

broke out(爆发) in a building late at night. Nearly all the families were (71) s________ inside the house. After the firemen came, they rushed into the burning building and saved the people to the safe (72) p______.

The crowds thought (73) a______ the people were safe. But it was not so. Two

little orphan (孤儿) girls were still asleep alone at the very top of the building, in a small room. (74) N_________ . thought of them. Luckily, they lived with a dog.

The dog tried to wake them up, but (75) f______ . He ran to the window and ba工ked(吠叫) loudly for help. (76) B_______ no one noticed him. Then he climbed down the ladder (梯子) and tried to pull a fireman to the ladder. The fireman kicked him away, thinking he was mad. Then the dog ran to (77) a_____ fireman, jumped on him, ran to the ladder, barking all the time and looking back as if he was asking the fireman to follow him.

This fireman realized there must be someone in the little room, as the dog was acting so strangely. So he followed the dog (78) u______ the ladder, there he saw the two girls and saved them.

Where was the (79) d__________ ? A brave fireman rushed into the room to look for him and found him lying near the window, choked (窒息) with smoke. He brought him down with care, but he was already (80)d______. He had given his life for his friends. What a faithful friend!



Every year, more than nine million people all over the world come to visit London.

They go to the museums and theatres; they look at interesting old buildings or have a drink in a park.

A quick and easy way to get to different places in the city is to take an underground train. The London underground is one of the best and most widely used transport networks(网状组织)in the world. The trains run all day and most of the night. (83)You'd better

not take the underground between eight o'clock and ten o'clock in the morning, or four o'clock and six o'clock in the afternoon.

(84) Th

e trains are so crowded that you can hardly move or find a place to sit.

London's famous red buses form a big part of getting around in London. Although the London underground is the fastest and the simplest way of getting a工ound London, the buses play their pa工t and are an experience you should try at least once. By sitting on the top deck (层) of the bus, you can get a great sightseeing (观光的) experience of London as well.

Some special visitors' buses take you to many of the interesting places in the city on one journey. It takes about one and a half hours, but you can cancel your journey and get off (and on again) at the different places you want to visit.

London taxis are called "black cabs”. Most of them a工e black, but some are not. You can stop one if it has a "For Hire (供租用的)n sign on it. The drivers are friendly and helpful.

In a word, London is a big and beautiful city with Lots to see

and to do. Welcome to London.


81. How many kinds of transportation can visitors use to get around in London? List



82. If you go to visit London, which two kind

s of transportation are you going to choose? Why?








在你的成长过程中,父亲一定做了许多令你感动或印象深刻的事情。父亲节就要到了,Teen Times杂志正在组织感恩父亲征文活动,请以“Father and me"为题写一篇英语短文,参加本次活动。






1. 80-100词;

